My Site

This is a site that may be different than most, I added my own twist on things but I guarantee it will be informative as well as entertaining. Where we can have laughs, (even if I’m laughing alone) I’d hope you may be having a giggle on the other side of the screen.

It will be full of Articles, Content, Images, Advertisements from Affiliate Links, other Businesses (local and online) and a whole lot of other fun stuff.

Warning whahaha: Some content may switch to serious stuff, enlightening Thoughts of my own and others. Hopefully some interaction from other bloggers, and folks that generally write in. I will add to this page with content as I go.

I hope to fulfill any needs that may come to your mind, within reason of course.

May tour head and mine be filled with knowledge, humour, and so much more, I hope to brighten your day.


I hope we have a long friendship in the future. There are many things to explore, to be talked about, thoughts to be shared, views to be read, you catch my meaning.



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